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Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Perparing the 2019 09 13 Vanimo Papua Merdeka Peaceful Demonstration

Melanesians from Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea preparing for demonstration against Indonesian consulate in Vanimo Town, Papua New Guinea.

Three main issues raised:

1. West Papua is one people, one land mass, one culture, one ancestor with Papua New Guinea. We are the same people, and we are united to Free West Papua.
2. Papua New Guinea is politically independnet, but its economy is being hindered because the other half of the island is still occupied by foreign powers. They are using West Papua as the gate into Melanesia. As long as West Papua is occupied, no single Melanesian countries will be independent economically. To Free West Papua is to Free all Melanesian countries economically.
3. This campaign will continue on regular basis, and will spread across PApua New Guinea and across Melanesia.

Military presence has increased in the Indonesian provinces of Papua and...